Sunday, August 9, 2009

August 9th 2009

Some thoughts as we head towards the end of another wasted season: American culture, mass culture, simply does not exist. Watching some people in a box (TV), taking video of themselves and family (not staged? riiiight) and produce for on air consumption, I mean to adults!! And the American public watches it, laughs at it, talks to it, makes love to it. and all this is going on while we bomb at least 4 or 5 Asian countries, at least 2 South American nations, still hold secret prisoners in secret prison in places that are still secret, and while the economy is suriving on a thread....hanging form the cliff with 1 finger tip. Like Frodo at the end of Lord Of The Rings....Golum has already gone over the side....and we are about seems.....
What was once the saviour of Western Civilization (if you count ww2). The last best chance ,,,, is not doing the things it needs to do to win its battle of survival ...and to survive the United States must win the battle -back to reality.......and I think its losing, badly. Eisenhowers warning, during his good by speech in 1961, included " The Military Industrial Complex," and warned the American Citizens against such a powerful and permanent cancer and threat it would become of not contolled or forced back to the ugly emptyness it came from.
To win back our country, President Obama, the American Public and individual Citizen must do what he or she can do on their own and with local groups.

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