Saturday, June 21, 2008

Declaring War On Iran - House Resolution 362

Today } Saturday June 21st- Took part in anti war vigil for 1/2 hour in Sudbury ma.
They have a terrific and active progressive group in Sudbury. The town is near the top in the state-on the list of ave annual income and assessed value of homes so its not where you would think a hotbed of activism would be located---but they are and we will be looking for ways to hook up Framingham and Sudbury to begin to regionalize our voice while focusing in on our goals. Impeachment and ending the war.

There is a new Bill in the House of Representatives: Pleast go to the link button and read the bill. Congressman Ackerman, DEM(NY) introduced a bill, May 2008 that will be used to allow the United States Military to attack Iran on a signal from George Bush. At the same time, force Iran into a deperate food, and natural resource, and health crisis by Blocking Iran from Air, Sea, and Land. A total military blockade of a soverign nation. The bill is an act of WAR. The Gaza strip, blockaded on all sidesis a small warm up exercise for the nation of iran and its 70,000,000 million people.

H. Con. Res. 362: escalation of aggression towards Iran

The bill has nearly enough sponsors to pass as law. There has been no debate and the public has not been informed. Will there be elections in November? How high will the price of oil go? $7.00 ? When the economy, whatever is left of it, crashes, what is left for the US to do? The bush administration has already bled our Treasury to the tune of $10 trillion dollars.!! The legislation, is in concert with an Israel obviously ready to be an ACTIVE MILITARY PARTNER, espeically with an air force 2nd only to the United States. Last month were the practice runs. The Warm ups for War on Iran. The movement toward war is quickening. The people of the United State, are NOT INVOLVED in the debate, the discussion, the issue. Since there is no debate in Congress. The congress is silent---moving by Stealth.....toward a war that will make Iraq and Afghanistan look like a kids game. The cost will destroy any chance for Social Security, to survive past December 2008. The Democrats, have failed this nation as THEY sponser the very laws that will justify military action and leaglize an act of war. Our party leadership has finally crossed the Rubicon (crossed in 2006) and now they are declaring the party is on the side of American Dictatorship and uncontrolled War. WE ARE IN THE FINAL FEW MONTHS OF THE LEGAL BUSH ADMINISTRATION, AND YET, THE MAIN EVENT HAS ONLY JUST BEGUN.!!!!!! HR 362 HR362 HR 362

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