Saturday, June 21, 2008

Declaring War On Iran - House Resolution 362

Today } Saturday June 21st- Took part in anti war vigil for 1/2 hour in Sudbury ma.
They have a terrific and active progressive group in Sudbury. The town is near the top in the state-on the list of ave annual income and assessed value of homes so its not where you would think a hotbed of activism would be located---but they are and we will be looking for ways to hook up Framingham and Sudbury to begin to regionalize our voice while focusing in on our goals. Impeachment and ending the war.

There is a new Bill in the House of Representatives: Pleast go to the link button and read the bill. Congressman Ackerman, DEM(NY) introduced a bill, May 2008 that will be used to allow the United States Military to attack Iran on a signal from George Bush. At the same time, force Iran into a deperate food, and natural resource, and health crisis by Blocking Iran from Air, Sea, and Land. A total military blockade of a soverign nation. The bill is an act of WAR. The Gaza strip, blockaded on all sidesis a small warm up exercise for the nation of iran and its 70,000,000 million people.

H. Con. Res. 362: escalation of aggression towards Iran

The bill has nearly enough sponsors to pass as law. There has been no debate and the public has not been informed. Will there be elections in November? How high will the price of oil go? $7.00 ? When the economy, whatever is left of it, crashes, what is left for the US to do? The bush administration has already bled our Treasury to the tune of $10 trillion dollars.!! The legislation, is in concert with an Israel obviously ready to be an ACTIVE MILITARY PARTNER, espeically with an air force 2nd only to the United States. Last month were the practice runs. The Warm ups for War on Iran. The movement toward war is quickening. The people of the United State, are NOT INVOLVED in the debate, the discussion, the issue. Since there is no debate in Congress. The congress is silent---moving by Stealth.....toward a war that will make Iraq and Afghanistan look like a kids game. The cost will destroy any chance for Social Security, to survive past December 2008. The Democrats, have failed this nation as THEY sponser the very laws that will justify military action and leaglize an act of war. Our party leadership has finally crossed the Rubicon (crossed in 2006) and now they are declaring the party is on the side of American Dictatorship and uncontrolled War. WE ARE IN THE FINAL FEW MONTHS OF THE LEGAL BUSH ADMINISTRATION, AND YET, THE MAIN EVENT HAS ONLY JUST BEGUN.!!!!!! HR 362 HR362 HR 362

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Impeachment Top Priority

After thinking awhile--about where we are--I felt it was time to write and focus my thoughts for a wider audience. A vehicle to create strategy, policy, debate, goals, to move the progressive ideas forward. Gathering strengthn from the origins of the American idea, and the American experience. Creating a 21st century platform for the issues of our time. War and peaceful solutions, Energy and Environment strategy and solution, International Law, Individual rights, Education, trade, Economic systems, Local -Global. We have an awesome opportnity to create a clean environment and a world of freedom and peace. The way to end war, is prevent it. Not by preventive perpetual war for security as a false goal. We mean a stronger peace built on preventive economic and social freedom.
LKK-Greenwolf 6/14/08

From LKK-Greenwolf 6/14/08

The crime: War was committed by the Bush Administation. We didn't stop it. The crime is we didn't hold our government to our own laws. The crime is each person that died will not grow old and see their sons and daughters grow up. The crime is to our own heritage. The crime -committed against the people of Iraq, and our own troops, against our constitution, against international law and the UN charter. The scar is so deep and so widespread, the American Nation may not recover its moral authority as a central figure of freedom during it has held for the past 240 years. The laws this administration admitted to have broken, includes the Geneva Conventions. Laws against humanity. We will not recover from the injustice economically, morally, politically, or spiritually, until the people both within and without of the bush administration who are responsible for the policy and the implementation of it are brought to justice. I propose a similar manner of the of the Nuremberg trials after WW 2. This nation will NOT recover from the inhumanity we have inflicted on so many, in so many places, in so many ways. The twisting of our own laws, our own society, our own civility, our own daily lives, has resulted in a society

once called a Democracy into a military propaganda machine fed by endless demands for more resources to keep the fires of fear, disaster, economic collapse, stress, political acceptance of the unacceptable. The corporate-military covert machine has punched a hole in the American experiment of progressive political and economic freedom.
Directing the way back to our declarations primary message, of freedom of speech, to be secure in our homes and lives, a justice system that treats all people equally under the law. Those freedoms are lost forever if we do not first admit to the crime, and then to bring those responsible for its implementation and planning, to justice.

Finally, we must launch a new set of freedoms for an ever evolving human need for individual rights of expression and justice. An updated and imporved relationship between the individual citizen and the Federal government. To re-energize the old constitution of James Madison with a new set guarantees of freedom for the 21st century and beyond.

1-An Amendment protecting voting rights for all citizens, standardizing all federal election procedures and a system forever transparent in method and implementation. That all aspects of federal elections (House, Senate, Presidential and any other federal exercise of national interest, are the property of the American Citizen and is PUBLIC, with no economic gain for any particular entity or interest. And that the 1st weekend in November ( The first Saturday 12:01 am to Sunday 11:59 pm) will be set aside for all federal elections.

2-An amendment, which finally outlaws clearly and specifically, all undeclared military actions of the United States planned by any entity for use in any part by any force within or without of the government of the United States. American forces of ANY kind can not be utilized without a declaration or war by the congress of the United States only, as stated in article 1 Section 8 of the US consitution. This includes American forces connected with any and all military or non military forces by treaty or international law or those forces acting outside of any.

2A- The United States will use a universal draft for ALL wars of any percived difficutly or length to ensure the American public is involved in the gains and losses of such conflict, equally.

3 An amendment reinforcing the economic principles of competition, fair labor practices, and a healthy and SAFE environment to work. (including mines).

4-An amendment, A} banning all govt and private agencies or entities, dedicated in any part to the intelligence gathering, implementation of policy, or covert action, or in any other way connected to any part of any government branch within or without MUST under the harshest penalties be allowed to operate either within or without the territory of the United States of America, that ONLY with FULL disclosure to FULL congressional committees can any action or agency function within the law.
B) That ALL military and non military actions, papers, and plans, be fully unclassified no more than 15 years after origination.
C) That NO document connected in any way to any official elected, appointed, or employed, by the United states or in any other manner serving in any location on earth, be kept from full view and ownership of the American public no more than 20 years after origination.
D) That no time restraint from prosecution will be considered.
Final draft in the next few days.
